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Being sustainable and thinking of the environment is essential so that we can guarantee a future for the mankind. Decontaminate Tietê River (São Paulo) seems an impossible task! But we can begin by saving energy in our homes and our companies! How?


  • By substituting the incandescent bulb for more efficient lamps!


  • The incandescent bulb invention was such a genial one that it is used as a symbol of a good idea, but as everything else in life has an evolution, new more efficient options were introduced in the market.


  • Only 5 to 10% of the consumed energy in an incandescent bulb is converted into light and the remaining percentage is wasted as heat.


  • On the other hand, the fluorescent lamp uses just 26% of the energy used by a common incandescent bulb to generate the same quantity of light.


  • And, finally, today we have the LED lamps, which consume less energy and last more time. They last up to 100 000 hours and, if kept lighted 8 hours/day, they last 24 years. Unfortunately they still have a high cost, but it is compensated by the economy and durability.

Get to know the proper discard for each and every type of lamp

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